About Us
Patients suffering from mechanical low back pain have a choice between free NHS 'physio' and medication or privately funded care.
Given this choice, , over the last 17 years patients have chosen to attend our private practice; My Spine Clinic/ Carew Clinic and in doing so have been offered personalised rehabilitation pathways to help manage their complaints.
We pride ourselves in being able to assist in patient care and for this reason we have remained in service to our local community since the millennium,
The trust that our patients have with our clinic means that once a patient attends for therapy they will often recommend their friends and family and so we are delighted to have a multi generational patient base
Our reputation is a result of continued patient satisfaction with the service that we provide and thus over 90% of our New Patients have been recommended to us by word of mouth i.e.: your family and friends; your GPs and Consultants.
We offer clinical assessment; access to diagnostic imaging, tests and surgical referral when necessary. Our aim is to implement a ‘therapy pathway’ specifically to assist with your pain and improve your quality of life. If you suffer from back pain (with or without leg pain) we would like to help you today.
My Spine specialists are consulting with patients every working day and have helped thousands of people feel better. We Specialise in mechanical back and neck pain.
Call My Spine Clinic Now 0208 467 9001 to arrange for your appointment.
Be assured that you DO NOT need a referral from your general practitioner (GP). We welcome patient’s self- referrals alongside your GP and consultant’s recommendations to attend our My Spine Clinics. You may find that some of those specialists are our patients!
1 “My one regret is that I did not find you sooner! You correctly diagnosed and treated my spine which has now enabled me to resume playing Squash without any pain. Many Thanks G. F. “
2 “The (My Spine) Clinic is worth its weight in gold!! After suffering from a bad back for nearly 10 years I was recommended to see Doctor Carew (D.O.) by a good friend. After only one session I saw a huge improvement in my condition, a condition that, after 12 months of treatment elsewhere, never achieved. After only a few sessions into my treatment I feel so flexible and strong with my back and neck and I have a greater awareness of my health. Thank you sooo.... much”
How do I start to get help with my Back Pain?
· Call to book an appointment, we are open 6 days a week and most evenings too!
· Attend for Initial assessment with a ‘My Spine’ Specialist.
· Receive a physical examination; MRI or further investigations (if required)
· We discuss our clinical findings, the implications for intervention and propose a possible ‘therapy pathways’.
· You decide if this strategy is right for you and agree to enter the ‘therapy pathway’ (usually receiving therapy the same day)
· Set re-evaluation date to assure predicted improvements
What is a therapy pathway?
A therapy pathway is the application of several therapeutic interventions. The precise combination of therapy is influenced by;
The 2016 NICE guidelines for mechanical back pain. Research trials and peer review.
· The patient’s individual preference for implementing a specific therapy. Patient choice.
· The My Spine specialist’s examination, experience and guidance. Clinicians expertise.
Typically, these interventions come under these broad headings:
1. Assessment
2. Physical Therapy
3. Psychological support
4. Prescriptive rehabilitation exercises
Who are your My Spine Specialists?
My Spine specialists come from a variety of backgrounds and may include Medical Doctors, Doctors of Osteopathy, Chiropractic and Physiotherapy and/or other registered clinicians specialising in the management of mechanical spine pain.
Who may benefit from this therapy pathway?
We want you to attend for consultation to discuss your symptoms if you have any of the following (in lay terms):
· Muscle and ligament problems.
· Disc problems; Degenerative Disc Disease, ‘Wear and tear arthritis’ ‘herniated disc’
· Facet (spinal joint) problems; Facet ‘arthropathy’, ‘Osteoarthritis’
· Spinal ‘stenosis’; ‘pinched / compressed nerves’, leg pain, pins and needles.
· ‘Lumbago’ ‘Sciatica’ ‘Scoliosis’ ‘Kyphosis’
· Spondylolysis/Spondylolisthesis
Who would not benefit from this therapy pathway?
· Compression Fracture/Acute Trauma
· Progressive neurological deficit
· Infection/ Discitis
· Malignancy
· Inflammatory disease
· Visceral referred pain e.g.: Aortic Aneurism / renal colic
Results to treatment pathways are not guaranteed and results may vary. Any pharmaceutical / medical treatments involve a certain level of risk. Risk assessment is considered during your assessment and during your ongoing pathway. The NICE recommendations to the NHS are based on therapy pathways that are helpful for most patients and on their relative cost effectiveness.
MySpine Clinic